Busy day <3


This post doesn’t seem to want to be written.  It keeps erasing itself.  Hmm… I think that’s a sign.

There is a lot on my plate today.  The first item checked off, is “coffee” because.. well… COFFEE.

Hoping to get some yard work done after my appointments. The dandelion bed out front has some perennials that are daring to survive.  I feel the need to assist them.

Not a lot of details today.  Just stuff I gotta do.  Say a prayer for me, and I’ll say one for you.  Where else can you get a deal like that?

Enjoy the weekend!  Looks to be pretty sweet ❤  Make it so!


What you make it

Today I have an opportunity. The opportunity is to DECIDE how my day will go.  I can face the day with courage and joy or I can nurse the fever blister that popped up on my lip yesterday and feel sorry for myself.  I REALLY want to go with the latter, because I loathe fever blisters and they ALWAYS happen when I have something coming up for which I want to look nice.  Nothing says “I’m pitiful” better than a cold sore on your lip.  No one can miss that.  It’s totally “in your face” and ON your face at the same time.  I can’t like it.

I always notice how stressed I am AFTER the fever blister pops up.  If I notice my urgent state of mind that indicates the dormant virus is looking for a place to manifest, I can pre-treat my stress by paying attention to my body and not overreacting to the crazy stuff that happens.  I can drink plenty of water and pour Airborne down my throat constantly.  I can relax or meditate or just be still and consciously NOT react to stimuli.  IF I notice it in time…

NOPE. Not this time.  Too many irons in the fire. All of them hot, all of them urgent, all of them vying for my attention.  **sigh**

After a walk with the pup, I’m off to start my day.  What’s that look like?  I will let you know when I DECIDE. ❤ Happy Thursday!


[image (and good info!) found here:  http://readyforhappiness.com/2014/02/12/happiness-is-a-choice/%5D



This morning on Facebook I took a quiz – what is your theme song?  I got Titanium by David Guetta.  I have heard the song in passing but I don’t know the singer. It’s a pretty good song.  I guess it fits.  I’m resilient. I’m a fighter. I don’t back down. I keep going.

Yes. That’s a fitting song. But I am wondering if there is a song called “Exhaustion” or “Please.. just a couple more hours sleep…” or.. Well you get the idea.  I’m kind of running on empty lately.  Hey!  Now THERE’S  a song I know!!  I may be bulletproof but I’m also pretty freaking tired.  I gotta get my semi-coffeed behind up off the couch and take the pup for a walk because he is wired for sound. The cat is SUPER pissed.

Now… where’d I put those walking shoes?

Starting over…


So much change lately.  Seems everyone I know, myself included, is starting over in one form or another.  Change is good.  We hear that all the time.  While that may be the case, that doesn’t mean it feels good in the moment. 

So many cliche’s that work here… Every ending is a new beginning, and so forth.  Sometimes we make the decision to end something so that we can make a better thing.  It’s all a leap of faith, every single day. 

I’m wondering what the next phase is for me. I am letting go of what no longer serves me, or brings me joy.  We are all truly in this together, and walking the good red road home. Regardless of where things end up, I am so grateful for the people with whom I’m on this journey.  Yes. You. 

Onward to the beginning ❤

Inspired by Pop Star Pink, Led Zeppelin Re-Releases “Stairway to Fucking Heaven”

There you fucking have it…

Beauty is Imperfection

After watching pop star Pink release her song “Fucking Perfect,” rock legend Jimmy Page announced that Led Zeppelin will release the uncut original version of “Stairway to Heaven,” now known as “Stairway to Fucking Heaven.”

Pink’s song has been released in two versions, the “clean” version of “Perfect” and then the “Fucking Perfect” version that has gained much traction on YouTube and other video sites.

“There’s a lady who’s sure, all that glitters is gold, and she’s fucking buying the stairway to fucking heaven,” sings Robert Plant in his inimitable overblown tenor.

“When I heard Pink sing ‘Fuckin’ Perfect,’ I knew that we had reached a new level of emotional honesty,” said Page. “Pink knows that to be perfect alone is not enough. She had to ratchet up the emotional intensity and make the song even more fucking perfect, if you will. I knew when I heard her blistering truth…

View original post 367 more words

Last Night on Earth (Part III)


So to finish my thought… months later… 

I had not realized that my dad had died on the day that I had my impromptu “Last Night on Earth” experiment. I found out a few days later when I saw a friend post on Facebook about the anniversary of HIS father’s passing was a few days before… on the same date.  I wrinkled my forehead. I counted backwards from the date, and realized our fathers passed on the same date, though years apart.  I was a bit dumbfounded, as I rarely forget dates and certainly not the date of the day my father died.  Was I preoccupied?  Well, heck.. when WASN’T I?  My life went at what seemed like 1,000 miles per hour all the time. 

I guess what messed with me was the fact that my father was so important to me, and I miss him so much and I had just let the anniversary of his death slip from my mind.  I wondered what my dad would think about that.  And oddly enough, that is where I found my solace. 

I believe in my heart that my father would prefer me to forget the anniversary of his death.  Because my life is here on Earth, and he is not.  He would encourage me to never forget him, but he would also want me to not find a day to spend mourning him for the sake of mourning or the sake of …what?  He is in SUCH a better place and is at peace.  Why would I mourn that?  What I am mourning is MY loss.  My personal notice of his absence.  Well I do that all the time, not just October 20th.  He would want me to spend a night enjoying the company of my dearest friends and my husband. No one knows better than he, who died at 56, how precious these moments we have with our loved ones are.  He would want me to forget this death, and celebrate my life.  If I didn’t get that message from his early passing, then I would be a slow learner indeed.  My dad wants me to LIVE.

He would want me to BE in the moment. To love the ones I am surrounded by at the time I draw a breath. To celebrate our joys and happiness.  To FIND the joy and peace in each moment.  A little more than six months after I missed a day of remembrance for my father, I am finally finishing the third part of this post.  The last six months have been a roller coaster in ways that a very few know.  But I have come through it so much wiser and eternally grateful for the lesson of living in the moment. Of loving the ones in my life and celebrating the short time we are together. My biggest lesson is a second chance at life, and love, and friendship and they all culminate with gratitude. 

I am grateful for my father who taught me so much, and a great deal of that was what NOT to do in life. I am grateful that in the short time I have left – be it days or decades, I will not squander my chance to bring joy to my life in a conscious way.

 [image found here: http://www.simply-being-spiritual.com/words-of-wisdom-live-now/#!prettyPhoto%5D